Monday, December 17, 2007


When is the last time you considered those who are currently suffering for their faith? There are countless who suffer intensely for believing in Jesus.

In our comfort and ease we all to often forget those who are suffering for Christ. I'll admit I'm guilty of this.

Hebrews 13:3
Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.

I have been helped to remember those who are suffering by the ministry of Voice of the Martyrs. V.O.M. maintains much information about many severely persecuted Christians. For an example click here. You can sign up to receive regular updates of those imprisoned or otherwise suffering for their faith. These updates provide basic information which is an aid to equip and enable prayer for our suffering family in Christ.

I have also found the Jesus Freaks series of books, sponsored by D.C. Talk, to be excellent reminders of the sufferings which those who follow Christ experience. These books are collections of heart-rending, inspiring, and Christ exalting testimonies by those and about those who have suffered and do suffer for faith in His Name. This series contains the accounts of the deaths of the Apostles and many more throughout history including numerous contemporary Christians. This series has been called a modern day Foxes Book of Martyrs.

May the Lord help His people to pray for one another and to bear each other's burdens.


mwh said...

I've seen this book a number of times, but never read it myself. I should pick it up. There's two volumes now, right?

Unbreakable Joy said...

I think there are multiple volumes now. I have the first two if you would like to borrow them.