A good friend directed me toward this book almost two years ago. It has since sat unread upon my shelf. A unique set of circumstances has caused me to finally crack open this unusual book. These circumstances include both my personal spiritual journey and my dear friendships with those in both the reformed camp and those in the charismatic camp.
Storms' experience lead him first deeply into reformed doctrine which he still holds to be very dear and foundational. His later experience included becoming more involved with those in the charismatic camp, which he admittedly had previously spoken against. Storms' personal journey is inter weaved throughout of both the reformed and charismatic camps and has caused a unique cross-pollination of sorts. The author's experientially unique perspective allows him to highlight both the shortfalls and the benefits as seen in both camps.
Convergence and the other works like it (which Storms also highlights) may well serve to assist in bringing a much needed unity to the body of Christ.
The Scripture is clear that there is one bride of Christ, one body of Christ. Those in the army of God need much training to avert further fratricide and to engage in healing each others wounds, not causing them.
Ephesians 5:27
so that He might present the church to Himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.
Convergence is another comfort zone expanding book that is well worth reading.
Interestingly enough Storm's said his change of position was first drastically impacted by D.A. Carson's exposition of 1 Cor. 12-14 in his book entitled, "Showing the Spirit." Storm's admitted he simply could not refute Carson's excellent exposition.
Interesting...was just thinking about this this morning ;)
Is the book exegetical, historical, biographical...??? What's the nature of the book, or is it mixed?
I agree with the comments on unity, and most all of us need our comfort zone expanded.
MWH, the book is mostly biographical although it is still somewhat a mix.
Storms does get into a little exegecis on several issues. He does a nice job of describing both viewpoints - as he has had both viewpoints and still has good friends in each camp.
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