Friday, September 19, 2008


Which eyes are more blind?
The eyes which cannot behold the sun and the stars,
Or those which cannot behold Your glory?
The eyes that cannot see all the beauty of creation,
Or those that cannot see that You have created it?

Which eyes are more blind?
The eyes that will never look upon a father’s face,
Or those that will never look upon You as Father?
The eyes which cannot see a loved one,
Or those which cannot see how much we are loved by You?

Which eyes are more blind?
The eyes which cannot see to read,
Or those which cannot see that You are the Word that became flesh and dwelt among us?
The eyes that cannot see fresh bread, hot from the oven,
Or those that cannot see that man does not live by bread alone, but by every Word that comes from the mouth of the Lord?

Which eyes are more blind?
The eyes that do not see to find the way,
Or those that do not see that You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life?
The eyes which will never see the beauty of many pearls,
Or those which will never see that You are the pearl of greatest price?

- A. B. Seal
Mission Trip to Honduras with Vision Outreach International

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