Friday, September 4, 2009

BBTC is Hoping to Grow

This is the building in which the BBTC students go to class. The building is designed to hold 90 students. There are currently about 106 students attending. Needless to say the facility is quite cramped.

The College is seeking to expand in order to be able to serve and equip more students. A goal has thus far been set at being able to house and train 300 students. This will require significant expansion and therefore a significant expense. This College does not charge the students admission, but rather is supported by donations.

There are currently students from 14 countries across the continent of Africa. This is a non-denominational College which is accredited through another University in Europe. The students can graduate after a 3 year training program. The College also offers post graduate degree programs.

The students at the College will be quick to tell you that the Church in Africa struggles due to a lack of adequately trained and equipped pastors and teachers. BBTC is helping to fill this need by equipping pastors and missionaries with Biblical training and teaching as well as materials such as those provided during our brief trip to the College.

A video will be released later with more details as to the needs regarding the hoped for expansion.

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