Saturday, February 28, 2015

Opposition Equals Opportunity

Facing Opposition?  If so you're not alone.  Scripture is full of examples of God's people encountering opposition, as is the rest of history.

Opposition is not only par for the course in this life, it is the wind which fills the sails of faith.  

In Matthew 8:23-27 Jesus and several of his disciples were on a boat.  Their opposition that day was a great storm and apparently a boat that wasn't sufficient to handle the storm.  Not surprisingly fear was the response of the disciples.  

In the midst of the storm Jesus says, "Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?"       

A few implications of his words; 

A lack of faith, in the face of opposition, results in fear.

Genuine faith sees beyond the opposition, and is mindful that God is always aware of the storms in our lives and that he remains ever present with us in the midst of them?

Opposition equals opportunity to put faith into practice.
If you faint in the day of adversity,
your strength is small
- Proverbs 24:10

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