Monday, February 18, 2008

A Great Question

Today while reading to my daughter, from the Jesus Storybook Bible, she was prompted by the story of the fall to ask a great question. "Daddy, why did they listen to the snake instead of to God?" Christian daddies live for such moments. This prompted a brief but excellent conversation about sin and our hearts that can only be truly & completely satisfied in God.

We've been reading at least one story a day from this book. Honestly it is one of the highlights of my day to have time set aside for Christ-centered interaction with my daughter with the aid of this wonderful book. This is a must for Christian parents and for those hoping to be parents.

It occurred to me that because of the Scripture-saturated and Christ-centered nature of this book that it would be a great outreach tool as well. It is something I would definitely give to non-Christian friends who have or are having children in the hopes that they may be exposed to the life changing Gospel.

I also noticed today for the first time (I know... I'm kinda slow) that the author of the book is Sally Lloyd-Jones. I'm curious to discover the relation to another Christ-centered Lloyd-Jones.


mwh said...

That's exciting! I pray many more such conversations will follow!

Sally Lloyd-Jones said...

Hi Ben
I came across your excellent blog via a google alert and thought I'd just stop by and say Hi and I'm so excited to hear of your great conversation with your daughter. writers like me live for hearing things like this
: ] PTL
It's God's story--and what an honor it is for me to have had a small part in retelling it for children

and your question is a great one--re. Dr Martyn L-J... thought you might get a kick out of a blog I wrote about it (as I'm quite often asked that same question):

You might also be interested to know there's loads of resources, interviews and readings of the book on my site (, too.

My best to you, Ben--and thank you for allow me to share in the joy of your conversation. I pray it continues to be a wonderful tool for you


Unbreakable Joy said...

Thanks for your comment. It was encouraging to hear from you. Thanks for the enjoyable contribution to Christian children's books - my daughter would like to thank you as well.